Tag Archives: Keaton Henson

Albums of the Year- 2020

It’s been a tough year… No, that feels like an understatement. Worst year ever? Maybe. It’s somehow felt like the longest and the shortest 12 months in human history, a hurry-up-and-wait of terror and tension and “what the fuck is going on”. A calendar of unprecedented chaos. Like every shitty year before this one though, 2020 was somewhat saved by some superb […]

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Oh man. Ever since his debut album, Keaton Henson has worn his heart on his sleeve. And his guts on his sleeve. And his mind, and his soul, and whatever other body parts prove that he really means what he’s saying. Channelling lost love into raw poetry and anxiety into art, the London-born singer songwriter has produced some of the […]

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KEATON HENSON- ‘Six Lethargies’

Keaton Henson is best known as one of the most solemn singer songwriters of recent years. His guitar gently weeps. His voice will break your heart. ‘Six Lethargies’, composed by Henson but performed by The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, might be a surprise then. There is no guitar. There is no voice. There aren’t really songs. Instead there are minimalist […]

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KEATON HENSON- ‘Romantic Works’

I did not see this coming. I mean, I guess no one did. ‘Romantic Works’ is something of a surprise, see. A surprise, in that celebrated singer-songwriter Keaton Henson released it last week without warning or fanfare. And a surprise, in that it doesn’t actually feature any singing, or traditional songwriting. Instead, Henson has combined patient piano, solemn strings, found […]

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